Download JETCOL11.ZIP
Jet Col 1.1
JETCOL prints two columns, each up to ninety characters wide, on
laser printers in portrait mode. It is intended to greatly
reduce the huge volume of paper that results from printing
reference manuals and text files. Regular use of this program
should cut your paper bill by 60 to 70 percent.
It provides better readability than other compressed print
programs because it normally ignores page breaks and eliminates
consecutive blank lines (according to your option).By eliminating
more unnecessary white space on the page JETCOL can use a
larger,more readable, type face while printing the same number of
average pages/sheet as other compressed print programs. It is
designed to take maximum advantage of laserjet features to further
enhance readability. JETCOL will print anywhere from two to ten
pages of source material on one side of a sheet of paper. By using
its even/odd alternate side print feature four to twenty pages of
text can be printed using both sides of a page.
By reducing the volume of paper, JETCOL also reduces storage
requirements and the bulk one has to carry around when traveling.
As a side benefit, many JETCOL users actually find it easier and
faster to read the compressed versions than the originals because
they can take in more words at one time without having to scan
across the page.
JETCOL has been tested on several brands and models of laser
printers. If you run into difficulty with your model, please let
me know and I will try to provide a version that is compatible
with your printer.
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